Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about CUPkind.

What are CUPkind cups made from?

CUPkind cups are made from virgin paperboard, sourced from FSC®-certified forests, which is authorised by a leading EU-wide accreditation body. We use an aqueous based barrier coating to prevent leakages. The packaging that our cups are supplied in is also paper!

My establishment doesn't have a cup collection scheme in place. What can I do to set one up?

There are a number of bin solutions & collection scheme providers in the UK. We have partnered up with co-cre8, First Mile and Veolia to assist you with a suitable composting or recycling solution to close the loop. Contact us & we will do our best to help you find the best solution.

How long does it take for my CUPkind cup to fully degrade?

If the cup was placed in a waste stream that’s sent to an industrial composter, then it would decompose within 12 weeks. If your customer were to place the cup in a home composting bin, as long as they had the right conditions, it would start to decompose within 2-3 months.

Can CUPkind cups be home composted?

Yes! CUPkind is certified for home composting, as well as through industrial composting schemes.*

What is better – recycling or composting the cup?

Recycling CUPkind cups is better for the environment (the fibre from the cups can be used again for paper products such as boxes up to 7 times over!)*. That’s better than cutting down new trees! However, composting is still a great alternative to sticking it into general waste.

What happens if CUPkind cups end up in general waste?

General waste goes to either incineration or landfill. If CUPkind cups are incinerated, energy is produced which feeds the national grid (with no volatile gases or residue!).In landfill, studies show compostable packaging doesn’t give off methane like standard conventional plastic products do.

Why are CUPkind cups better for the environment?

Many other disposable cups have a PE/PLA plastic lining to make them leak-proof, which makes them harder to recycle. Our cups are made with a certified plastic-free virgin paperboard with a clever, leak-free aqueous barrier coating technology, so the cups can be recycled, industrially composted or home composted!

Are paper lids available?

Yes, there are alternatives to plastic lids. Contact us for more information.

Where can I source CUPkind cups for my business or establishment?

Our partners will be more than happy to help. Please send your enquiry in via our Contact page & we can direct you to your local or national distributor.

How can I become a distributor?

We are looking to make this more accessible. Send us an email today via our Contact page to find out more.

Where can you deliver to?

The UK, EU & beyond. We have a global supply & distribution network. To find out if we can deliver to your territory, contact us today.

How did CUPkind come about?

CUPkind & the KIND Revolution initiative was formed following the 2016 BBC documentary ‘War on Waste’. Led by Alchemy Enterprise Group & 4 Aces Limited , we’re a group of industry leaders, distribution & supply chain partners who have been working together since 2016 to bring this product to market.

*CUPkind cups are made from responsibly sourced paper board (FSC). The paper board used in the CUPkind cups is certified recyclable and also certified as suitable home composting.

Get your sustainable cups

Support the planet, your customers and your business with our recyclable and compostable cups.